Specializing in Medical & Health Asset Management

For nearly 10 years, Winessex Health Sciences, has been specializing in acquiring, repurposing, and leasing of medical and ancillary commercial office space, throughout Southern Ontario – particularly, in medical building with high vacancies, and distressed commercial buildings.

With significant experience in marketing these spaces to the medical profession  at a much higher  rate of income, and from time to time sell these leasing contracts for profit, Winessex aggressively participates in the acquisition of commercial space to be repurposed, and repositioned for future sales.


Contact us for an online/remote consultation!

Our Location:

#30 – 1100 Central Parkway,

Mississauga, Ontario

Email: info@winessexhealth.com

1585 Ouellette

Purchased a 15,000 sqft building, located at 1585 Ouellette Ave, Windsor, for premium rate.  At which point, Winessex leased 8,000 sqft. of empty space at 2825-2885 Lauzon parkway, moved a very large, and internationally known medical tenant in this space at a very high rate. The property was then head leased back to this Tenant, at which point their previous building at 1585 Ouellette, was sold for over triple what Winnessex paid for it initially.

736-744 Ouellette

Purchased 736-744 Ouellette, in Windsor, and developed a mental health facility, that was eventually leased to the Windsor Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital, at which point, after closing, Winessex’s interest was bought out for a significant profit.

650-690 Ouellette

Purchased (as a JV with other party) a 50,000 sq. ft commercial building at 650-690 Ouellette, with 20% vacancy for premium rate, wherein they leased out the balance of the vacant space and sold the building for over twice the original purchase price.